Sides & Delights

Showing all 11 results


VEGAN + GF!!! Creamy pumpkin risotto with hints of porcini mushroom hand rolled in a gluten-free flour.


Delicious Sweet Potato Fries. Fried crisp and golden with Vego's special herb seasoning.


Delicious Gluten Free, Vegan Chick’n Nuggets


Delicious Vegan Chick’n Nuggets


Delicious Sweet Potato Fries. Fried crisp and golden with Vego's special herb seasoning.


Fried Spanish Churros rolled in cinnamon sugar Allergens: Wheat & Gluten (May contain traces of Soy and Sulphites, processed on same equipment)


An original favourite and the one and only fry you’ll ever need in your life. Fried crisp and golden with Vego's special herb seasoning.


House made Gluten Free Vegan Cornbread with zesty Chilli Butter. (Vegan & Gluten Free) Allergens: Pepita seeds


An original favourite and the one and only fry you’ll ever need in your life. Fried crisp and golden with Vego's special herb seasoning.


Shredded potato hash brown deep fried till crispy and golden and lightly salted with our signature seasoning.


Our Sauces are all GF and Vegan Herbed Mayo, Sriracha Mayo, Tomato Relish, Sriracha Mayo / Tomato Relish, BBQ, Tomato Ketchup.